Once upon a car crash, a Phoenix Rose; When Mohammad met the Live Echoes

The initial release of the Live Echoes iss #1 has been sold out since the fall of 2021. As Karissa began to send us her work on issue #2, and the response to iss # 1 & lo-fi hexes, Side: A, began to settle in, it became clear we needed to re-release iss # 1. Not just re-release, but as the legend grew, and everyone involved began to evolve, it felt like we could do more justice to this multifaceted and multidimensional project. We did an entire redraw, additional narration, and internal dialogue. It is quite gorgeous, and we look forward to sharing it with you very soon - along with iss #2, and lo-fi hexes, Side: B

From Blueprint Car Crash’s instagram;

Mohammad here. I’m excited to announce the release of my first graphic novel, The Live Echoes, art by the amazing Karissa Ray. My first encounter with a member from the Live Echoes happened during the first Blueprint tour. Josh from The Phoenix Rising was a fan of our EP, and he hooked us up with a couple of shows in the Indiana area where his band was based out of. A few hours before we were set to play with them at The Post, I was meandering through Goshen, Indiana when I met someone who introduced himself as Andromeda. The first question he asked me was if I ever thought about myself from other dimensions? I assumed with the combination of his name and question that he was slanging shrooms. One thing led to another, and I ventured into a deep dive into this group’s views on internal/external interstellar connections and self-ascension. I didn’t keep in contact with Andromeda after we left Indiana, but his stories stuck like gum in hair, which inspired the graphic novel. Thank you to Swanskin, the group’s leader, for allotting permission to tell my interpretation of their story, and thanks to Josh, who now runs Pique Audio Visual, the company releasing the comic. I’ll provide more updates once issue #1 is available for pre-order. @joshtheramon @piqueaudio @swanskinandtheliveechoes #comics #comingsoon #graphicnovel #theliveechoes #sketch


inside the moon & the mind’s ‘demo(n)s’


Prehistoric pique, an interesting journey to present day future …