A MultiMedia Company  Bloomington, Indiana

Founded in February of 2021, our primary purposes have been the discovery, development, and presentation of artistry; in addition to merchandising from fine prints and comic books to apparel, and audio recordings in physical formats

We have aimed to facilitate collaborations, and the tangible production of inspired artifacts of artistic vision in physical and digital formats; extending an arm into project management, publishing & copyrighting.

On the brink of year four we’ve arrived at a relative moment of reflection; a time of restructuring our model for long term sustainability.Inasmuch as we can be reflective may we find the ways in which we can be most effective– what practices might need more practice— what ways of thinking can we abandon? The goal: maximize the impact of our service to the communities where we exist as neighbors flapping our collective wing ‘round the world.; One small song for man, one giant “…I have a dream”